World's Finest, Made in India
Selvedge Denim
Denim with ``Self-edge``
Selvedge (or Selvage) is derived from “self-edge” and refers to the narrow band running along both the edges of a fabric. Prior to the advent of “shuttle-less” looms (weaving machines), all fabrics used to come with a selvedge. Selvedge Denim, essentially, is denim fabric which is woven on “shuttle-looms” and, as a result, has a narrow band running along both the edges of the denim fabric.
Shuttle & Selvedge
A selvedge is made automatically when the fabric is woven on looms which use a “shuttle” for insertion of weft yarns.
The shuttle carries the weft yarn from one edge of the fabric to the other, and then returns, creating a loop on the edge of fabric, on both sides, thus forming a neat and clean “self-edge” which holds the warp yarns in place and does not allow the fabric to unravel.
Shuttle Loom for Selvedge Denim
A loom with a “shuttle” is a must for making denim with a neat and clean selvedge.
A shuttle-loom can be either a power-driven machine, or a manually operated handloom. Prior to the industrial revolution, all looms were manually operated, and were shuttle looms. Therefore, all denim – during those times – was selvedge denim.
Almost all suppliers of selvedge denim use electrically operated power-looms for making selvedge denim. However, we use manually operated handlooms for making our selvedge denim since we are committed to producing eco-friendly denim without using any electrically operated or automated machinery.

The “shuttle-less” looms, which came into vogue around the middle of 20th century, as the name suggests, do not use a shuttle to carry the weft yarn across the width of fabric. The weft is moved from one edge of the fabric to the other and is cut off before the insertion of the next pick. This results in a frayed edge.
Selvedge is Premium
Selvedge Denim is considered to be a premium product, as it is produced on vintage shuttle looms which run at much slower speeds compared to the modern, automatic shuttle-less looms, and therefore have very low production capacity.
Moreover, the advanced technology in latest weaving machines makes it possible to weave much wider widths of fabric, whereas with the vintage shuttle looms only narrow widths can be woven.
It is easy to see that the production capacity of shuttle-less looms will be many times more than the vintage shuttle looms, and therefore selvedge denim is considered to be a premium product.
Hand-woven Selvedge Denim
World's Finest, Made in India
Now that we have understood that the shuttle power looms produce much lesser fabric in a unit time, as compared to the modern automatic shuttle-less looms, it is easy to figure out that a manually operated shuttle loom – the traditional handloom – will produce even lesser quantity of fabric. However, the quality of selvedge denim woven on a handloom is far more superior compared to what can be made on a shuttle power loom, or on a shuttle-less loom.
We offer hand-woven selvedge denim fabric in a wide range of weights, from 4.5 to 13 oz / sq yard, made from various types of yarns, viz. regular mill spun yarn, mill spun slub yarn, and also hand-spun yarn.
Some of our hand-woven selvedge denim fabrics are – in fact – impossible to make on the power driven shuttle looms.
Khadi Selvedge Denim
Hand-spun, Hand-woven, 100% Cotton
“KHADI” means a fabric that is hand-woven, out of hand-spun yarns!
We specialize in making “khadi denim” – a reincarnation of the centuries old denim fabric, which was made from hand-spun yarn, woven on handlooms.
we offer a very wide range of khadi selvedge denim fabrics – most of which are unrivalled and unmatched in the market. Yes, we do take pride in claiming that there are no other producers who can match the khadi selvedge denim fabrics we offer – from 4.5 oz to more than 10 oz in weight.
It is very complex and difficult to weave 3×1 twill weave fabric using hand-spun yarn, because the thickness of the hand-spun yarn varies quite a lot along the length. Over the years, we have perfected the art and craft of using hand-spun yarn for making khadi selvedge denim on handlooms.
We also offer khadi selvedge denim made out of organic cotton, on special requests. We also specialize in using recycled organic waste material, like onion skins, pomegranate rind, marigold flower petals, eucalyptus leaves, etc. for extracting the dye and using it to dye yarn and fabric. These dyes are completely free from hazardous chemicals, and are completely organic in nature.
Selvedge Denim Collection
Eco-friendly, Sustainable, Responsible